Rosedale Park Bear Hunt Game!

Register to Play!

Register your House

The Rosedale Park "Bear Hunt" game is a simple one to enjoy for all residence of Rosedale Park.

Home owners can simply put a stuffed bear, or zebra, or whatever you have laying around the house in one of your front windows. Then kids (or adults) are treated to a neighborhood treasure hunt to find the most displays as they can.

By registering your house it makes it a little easier for parents to help their kids find the hidden gems throughout the neighborhood. Homeowners can track sitings, remove old displays, and add new ones to keep the game going. Simply click the "register your house" button above and take photos of your displays. Your address and photos will only be shown to those registered to play.

Parents or kids that register to play will have access to the full list of registered homes in rosedale park, photos of the items on display, and the ability to track your progress. Click "Register to Play!" above and let the hunt begin.

As fun as this game is to play, just remember that we're in the midst of a pandemic of Covid-19. So don't forget CDC guidelines while traversing the neighborhood. Wash your hands before and after the hunt, keep at least 6 feet away from other hunters you may encounter, and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your upper sleeve.